At your initial trial lesson (see Studio Policies) we will discuss which of the following enrollment options is the right fit for your family. Suzuki Students develop as musicians in the context of a strong parent-teacher partnership. This time-tested method (see this video) involves families in music study that is a framework for a child's character development. Children ages three to eight are automatically enrolled in the Suzuki program. Additional information is available here. Basics A lesson model that assists school orchestra students with their music and may emphasize pop, rock, improvisation, or folk music as it interests each child/teenager. A solid technical foundation, regular practice, and parental involvement are still emphasized for Basics students. Advanced Advanced students preparing for auditions at the high school or college level can share their goals at the initial trial lesson. We will work to meet these goals at the highest possible level. Adults Group lessons are available to interested adults. Adults may be considered for private lessons (limited availability) after completing one semester of group lessons. No previous musical experience required. |